WHITHER, Pilgrims, are you going,
Going each with staff in hand?
We are going on a journey,
Going at our King’s command.
Over hills, and plains, and valleys,
We are going to His palace,
We are going to His palace,
Going to the better land.

Tell us, pilgrims, what you hope for,
In that far-off better land?
Spotless robes and crowns of glory,
From a Saviour’s loving hand.
We shall drink of life’s clear river,
We shall dwell with God for ever,
We shall dwell with God for ever,
In the bright, that better land.

Pilgrims, may we travel with you
To that bright and better land?
Come and welcome, come and welcome,
Welcome to our pilgrim band.
Come, oh! come, and do not leave us;
Christ is waiting to receive us,
Christ is waiting to receive us,
In that bright, that better land.