ARE you dwell-ing in the sun-light?
Is your path with ros-es strewn?
Do you walk with buoy-ant glad-ness
In the steps that you have hewn?
Have you reached the top of Pis-gah,
Climb-ing al-ways firm and true?
Don’t for-get that in the val-ley
There is some one need-ing you.


Lend a hand to help a broth-er
Who is striv--ing hard and true,
Don’t for-get that in the val-ley
There is some one need-ing you.

Is your day one round of pleas-ure,
From the morn till set of sun?
Know you not of pain or sor-row?
Are your vic-to-ries all won?
Lend a hand to help your broth-er,
Who is strug-gling hard and true,
Don’t for-get that in the val-ley
There is some one need-ing you.

Sweet it is to dwell in sun-light,
Where the shad-ows nev-er rise,
Where the balm-y, wait-ing breez-es
Kiss the blue, o’er-hang-ing skies;
But there’s al-ways in the shad-ows
Some poor mor-tal, brave and true,
Don’t for-get that in the val-ley
There is some one need-ing you.